A whole new type of experience to museums
跨越空間與距離,穿越前所未見的歷史 !
Travel beyond space and time, witness the history you never find.
Travel beyond space and time, witness the history you never find.
而珍貴的文物展物更是不可能讓參觀者任意翻轉把玩。 擺放說明告示牌,依賴解說者帶隊講解,或以平面影片介紹。 這樣的展出方式,對民眾而言一成不變,已經逐漸地失去參觀的樂趣了。 如果說能讓參觀者走進展物的歷史中,真實還原當下的時空,讓乾隆皇帝帶著參觀者逐一介紹他的珍寶。這樣的展覽是否有趣多了呢? 如果說能讓參觀者來到博物館後,為了解開遊戲中的謎題,而逛遍博物館的每個角落,去找尋答案,同時進而學到寶貴的歷史知識,是否有趣多了呢? 如果能夠讓參觀者拿起翠玉白菜來翻轉觀看,是否將獲得更多的吸引力呢? 還有更多天馬行空的創意,現在都能實現了,因為我們擁有最高品質的製作技術與視覺效果,所以能協助您把不可能變為可能。 讓您的博物館,您的策展變得與眾不同。 有特色巧思的策展,甚至不需要額外的廣告費用,就能吸引新聞媒體主動來幫你推廣了,更大大的省去了行銷的費用。 |
There have always been barriers to keep visitors from fully enjoying the displays. Various limits causing items can’t be introduced properly; schedule conflicts resulting expositions can’t be displayed moderately; excessive crowds stop visitors from reviewing exhibits fairly. The most importantly, visitors can never touch exhibits with their own hand; let alone interact with them.
What if there’s a show that restores the scene of where an antique belonged to and introduces the story behind the antique to visitors?
What if there’s a puzzle which makes visitors explore all over the museum to find out the answer but in the meantime it indeed make visitors learn all the knowledge throughout the process?
What if visitors can hold one of national treasures in their hand, take a closer look of its detail that can’t be seen when the item is being placed in a far distance like before?
There are more things accomplishable in VR; it will never be impossible with the experience and knowledge on game development and art producing that XAC possesses.
Let’s start making your exhibitions to stand out from the others!
What if there’s a show that restores the scene of where an antique belonged to and introduces the story behind the antique to visitors?
What if there’s a puzzle which makes visitors explore all over the museum to find out the answer but in the meantime it indeed make visitors learn all the knowledge throughout the process?
What if visitors can hold one of national treasures in their hand, take a closer look of its detail that can’t be seen when the item is being placed in a far distance like before?
There are more things accomplishable in VR; it will never be impossible with the experience and knowledge on game development and art producing that XAC possesses.
Let’s start making your exhibitions to stand out from the others!
Features of displaying with VR
XAC Inc. cooperate with Acer Inc. to moved the Forbidden City Centennial Cultural Relics to the home and class.
XAC Inc. cooperate with Acer Inc. to moved the Forbidden City Centennial Cultural Relics to the home and class.