Operation: Night Owl
根據情報顯示,炸彈已經啟動,沒有時間再等待了,上頭下令必須進行強攻。 玩家扮演反恐特勤隊小組成員第二小隊,執行攻堅與拆彈任務。 全市民的安危寄託在你的行動。 A worldwide terrorist organization took control of the city hall in Harbor City; several citizens are seized as hostage. There’s a timer bomb being planted in order to destroy the building and bring chaos to the city. There is no time to waste! The raid has to begin right away! You’ll play as the member of the S.W.A.T. to conduct the mission of raid and bomb disposing. The safety of the citizens and the city hall depends on you ! 演出屬於你的動作警匪槍戰電影 !
Act your own masterpiece ! |
《Operation: Night Owl》is available in Taipei and Hsinchu now.
《Operation: Night Owl》is available in Taipei and Hsinchu now.